Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Please Fire Rick Reilly

Mr. Reilly's new column on (remember, highest paid sportswriter ever) features a sarcastic "giving back" of MVP awards to the players who finished second to 'roiders during the infamous "Steroid Era" of baseball.

This, I have no problem with. I mean, it's a decent concept. The problem is, Reilly's assuming that all these other players weren't on steroids. This is not a good thing to do, as we've learned that NO ONE should be trusted during this era in baseball.

Also, in defense of the game of baseball (and totally off the subject of Reilly): It is absolutely ludicrous that baseball is the game being picked on by the sportswriters and the public. To say that baseball is tainted is ridiculous. The game is being treated differently on the basis that steroids help people more in baseball than in other sports.

Really? Because, and I'm young so I might be way off, I thought that being stronger than your opponent conferred a slight advantage to a football player. I was way off.

The MLB's steroid rules dictate suspensions and fines. The NFL says, if you're caught (which basically requires you to go into a crowded room and shout: "SOMEONE SHOULD STICK A NEEDLE IN MY BUTT!!!! I LOVE DA 'ROIDS!!!!") you don't get to go to the Pro Bowl. Wooo. Wow, what a punishment! I'd hate to make, say, 1 million dollars a year (Shawne Merriman, anyone?) and miss out on $45,000 for the Pro Bowl.

So please, someone stop the madness. Baseball players aren't clean. They weren't clean. Neither were football players. Cyclists weren't clean for crying out loud. Make it stop!

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